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    Elizabeth Colby

    Elizabeth Colby


    Military Service: Army

    Service Status: Veteran

    State: CA

    About the Artist: At heart, I am a humanitarian. My desire to contribute to the greater good of humanity is what moved me to enlist into the U.S. Army before I graduated high school. After serving on active duty, I returned home and continued the path of servitude by entering the field of physical therapy. Unfortunately, I carried with me traumas from military service which emerged and interfered with my occupation, leading me to take a break from practice. Today, after a ten year recovery period, I have developed a vision to operate a non profit physical therapy clinic that would address the underserved needs of my hometown. To help discover and envision what I wish to accomplish, I turn to art. I record my journey through photography, writing, collage and painting. All photographs were shot in my hometown or/and in association with Gracie Jiu Jitsu Whittier. Head coach: Jacob Belhumeur. Enjoy and thank you for your support.
