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    Reginald Green

    Reginald Green


    Military Service: Navy

    Service Status: Veteran

    State: CA

    About the Artist: Artist Biography Reginald Green was born and raised in Dallas, Texas. He is a 15 -year, medically retired Navy Veteran, that was stationed in San Diego, Ca. most his enlistment. “Reggie” got into art to “heal”, “explore his creativity”, and to do something positive and productive to shift his focus off his highly debilitating migraines, headaches, anxiety/depression, and lower back pain that he acquired from his active duty service. Reggie got involved with the recreational therapy program at the VA medical center in La Jolla, Ca. where he was introduced to arts and crafts. He began participating in the local veteran art shows, submitting the art that he created from the therapy and realized that he was getting some recognition for his work. He later discovered "THE VETERANS ART PROJECT" (VETART) at one of the art shows and decided to become a participant and volunteer. He also started to volunteer at the Casa Del Moro museum and learned a lot of history from Professor Chuck Ambers, the owner/facilitator of the museum. Reggie took it upon himself to learn the basics of molding, painting, sculpting and started to express himself/create art utilizing influences from Egyptian, Moorish, Mayan , African and other ancient civilizations/cultures learned about from the museums, history books, and internet. Reggie stated, "When I create art , it allows me to get lost in the process and takes my mind off the pain,” . After volunteering at both organizations for a year and a half with the organization showing his dedication, willingness , passion for art and helping veterans, he was hired as an VETART instructor and teaching classes at the ASPIRE Center, The V.A. Medical Center in La Jolla , and at the VETART School of Foundry in Fallbrook, CA. Reggie currently lives in San Diego, CA and is working out of the VETART’s School of Ceramics and Glass studio in Vista, Ca.
